Revision Test For sainik - RMS- Formula- Practise

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  1. What is the formula to find the Other number if HCF is given and the product of two number is given, then LCM ________________
 2.To find the average formula to be used is ________________/ ______________________
 3. Percent means ____________ 
4. What are the types of Fractions give one example?
5. What should we do to Divide 22.5 by 1.5? The best method is to  Multiply  Numerator  and Denominator by____________
 6. If Cost of 10 items given then to find the cost of 3 items we have to  use the formula
______________  Divided  by ______________    Multiplied by ________________
7. To convert Days into Minutes we have to multiply ___________ by ____________
8. To convert Centigrade into Fahrenheit use the formula____________
 9. To covert F into C use the formula___________________________
 10. To find the distance traveled ____________ x ________________
 11. To find the Speed _____________________/ __________________
 12. To find the Time taken ________________/ __________________
 13. To find the Circumference of a circle use formula _____________ x________x_________
 14. To find the Area of a circle use the Formula_________________x ___________ x_______
 15. To Find the Radius we have to _______________/ 2
 16. To convert m in to cm we  have to __________ x ______________
 17. Area is always followed by_________________- ( Units)
 18. Perimeter is always Followed by_____________( Units)
 19. What are the types of Angles  draw one example and name them.
 20. What are the different types of Triangles Draw one example each.
 21. What is a collinear point?          
22. What is a RAY?
23. A complementary angle is ______________ Given one Example
24. Supplementary angle is ________________give one example
25. To find the Area of Rectangle use the formula_____________
26. Area of a triangle is given by ______________ ( units)
27 Perimeter of a triangle is  given by _____________________ units
28. If Area of a Circle is given  then to find its Radius use formula______
29. To find the Dia meter of a circle when its Circumference is given use formula______
30. When  gain % is to be found use formula________________
31 To find the Perimeter of a Rectangle use the formula_________
32. Area of a square is given by ___________ ( Formula)
33. To find the Loss % use formula_________________
34. SI is found out by Formula____________________
35. Amount = ____________+ ___________________
36. When SI , P, R is given then to find the T use the formula_____________
37. To find the R use the formula____________________________________
38 To find the Length of a rectangle when Area and Breadth is given then use formula_____
39 . To find the side of the square when area is given use formula______________________
40. To convert days into years ( IN SIMPLE Interest Calculations) Divide ____ / _________
41. To convert m/s into km /hr use formula______________________
42 . To convert km/hr when m/s use formula_____________________
43. To find the minutes/ hours spend when am and pm is given then Subtract am from _____ ( time_ and ADD_______ time)
44. To convert km into cm  ,  KM_____ x _____________
45. T convert Deciliters into Kilo litres ________________/ _______________
46. To Find the SP when CP and Profit is given _____________ Minus/ Plus ??_____________
47. To Find the Real cost price   we have to _____ purchase price and Transport expenses.
48. When 3 men can do a job in 6 day, to find1 man can do the same job we have to____ x_____
49. To find the Time taken by a boat traveling on a river we have to Add or Minus the speed of _____ of water from _____ 
50. To convert Rs into Paise we have to ____ by _____ ( No) 
51. Full form of BODMAS is__________________________
52. To divide two fractions we have to Multiply one fraction with the _____ of the other fraction.
53. Write the order of removing the Different Brackets while simplifying.
54. In ratio and proportion we have to _____ all the ratio and then Divide from Amount to find the Share of each part.
55. When age of 6 given and age on 5( Average is given then to find the age of the sixth we have to ______  and then ____________.)
56. When the Two paths are Crossing in the middle of the Plot then we have to _____ the common area.
57. When two circles of different Diameter is given then to find the area of the outer  Circle  we have to Minus the area of the _____ circle.
58. To find the perimeter we have to _____ all sides.
59. The total angles of triangle is___________degrees
60. Total angles of a Rectangle/ Square is _________ degrees.
61 Difference between a rectangle and a square is _______________
62. Volume of a cuboid is given by the formula__________________ ( Units)
63. Volume of a cube is _____________________________________(Units)
64. When L and B is given to find the H of a cuboid we have to _________ / ___ x _____
65. To find the side of a cube when volume is given use the formula_____
66. The longest chord in a circle is____________________
67. A line can/ cannot be Represented but can/ cannot be drawn on a paper.
68. The angles of vertically opposite angles are __________________
69. To find the third angle in a triangle when two angles are given then _______
70. When the base of the Triangle and area of triangle is given to find the altitude/ height we have to____________
71. When three angles of a quadrilateral is given to find the fourth angle use formula___
72._____ Number of Lines can be drawn through a point.
73. Write all the Prime numbers from 2 to 100
74. The test of divisibility of 8 is______________
75. Test of divisibility of 6 is ________________
76. A number can be divided by 9 if __________ are _______________
77. When we multiply two decimals then the number of decimals in the answer would be______ as the number of decimals in both the numbers.
78. When we divide a number then the Reminder should be written as fraction of______
79. To find the number of Bricks to be used and the Measurement of the wall is given in M  and brick in cm then we have to convert____________ into ______________
80. The length of the train crossing a pole is actually the _____ taken to cross its one_____
81. SUM of means______________
82. Product of means___________
83. Less than means___________
84 Three raised to the power three means_________
85. To find the greatest / smallest fraction when number of fractions are given we have to make the Denominators _______
86. Ascending order means__________ to _____________
87. Descending order means____________ to ______________
88 > means________________
89. < means_______________
90 . 443 * 7 means ___________
91. If you take away Two from 8 means_________ Subtracted from_______
92. While simplifying all the mixed fractions are to be converted into _______ fractions.
93. Factors means
94. Multiplicands means_____
95. To find if a year is a Leap year then we have to _____ by ________
96. When calculating the number of years take one month as ______ days.
97. To round off any number less then _____ is to be ignored.
98. Difference between A quadrilateral and a rectangle is ______
99. Draw a Right angled Triangle and name its sides.
100. Draw a circle and name its various parts.


1. Product = LCM x HCF
Hence LCM = Product / HCF

2. SUM of ALL Quantities  Divided by No of Qty

3. Out of hundred or fraction of 100


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