TAT and Explantion by a Pyschologist- SSB Tips -03 by defence academy coimbatore

How to write story in TAT "

Now a psychologist can only help you regarding this, after many requests from the followers of this blog we are presenting you some useful information regarding " How to write story in TAT "

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The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) gives an opportunity in the form of a Stimulus to the individual to project his personality in terms of free verbal Responses with regard to the pictures, he sees and the plot that he may weave around the picture. It is not a fact based test, rather it is based on opinion, emotions, value and attitude of the person. What color and
combination are given to the story, which aspects are dominated, does the individual show value, emotions, helping attitude, sacrifice, faithfulness with full of challenges, is all seen through this test. For these aspects, one is required to go beyond the obvious. Going beyond the obvious will enhance the imagination process and imagination has no prescriptional limit. It is well said Your Imagination can take you places, which you can't even imagine!

TAT- What, Why and How? TAT is purely based on your Perception. So far as the definition goes -

Perception - It is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

TAT basically requires you to perceive a Thema or Story. The story requires a Hero, who must face challenges and risk, but should not fail. Depending on the situational crisis, the hero may face the failure for time being, but finally he should succeed. There is no Courage without challenges and risks; there is no Motivation without failure and setbacks. 

Basic Requirement In TAT and PPDT Stories 

There should be a match between you and your hero, because the hero is your alter-ego, your deployed leader who should represent you 100%. There must be a minimum distance between you and your hero. There should be a similarity between age, sex and character. There may be a possibility of difference in perception, emotions and ability, but not in terms of the achievement. To be precise, your hero's achievement is the manifest of your own achievement.

Let's see some TAT and PPDT sample stories:
Sample Picture Shown During PPDT and TAT
Sample Picture Shown During PPDT and TAT

Description: It is the picture of a young man pointing out at another person, who is seen running. It is an evening or night scene.

Due to meager representation of youngsters in the recruitment drive of the Army conducted recently, Suresh Kolte, a sports coach started to train the youngsters of Satana village in Maharashtra. In the month of Feb 12, 2008, he started with one boy. After a week the strength went to five. He scheduled morning and evening hours for exercises/race and day/evening for written preparation leaving 6 to 8 hours for other activities. For the entire Feb month, he made them familiar with written and physical tests. Right from March 1, he made the entire course competitive. He started pointing towards the best one to follow the speed and maintain the time in physical as well as written practice session. In the month of April, out the 5 boys, 4 got selected in the recruitment drive organized by the Army at the Southern Command, Pune. Seeing the results, many youngsters joined the centre and started taking training for the next batch.


The Hero under took the challenge, chose the undriven field in that locality (challenging ability). For the said ability, one has to go beyond the duty, which is sense of responsibility. In most of the case, the sense of responsibility is often dubbed with the risk taking ability, which this hero had. His punctuality, dedication of fixing the schedule and training program reveals his planning and organizing ability. Pointing the best one to be followed by the rest one shows competitive ability and motivation. With his hard work and sacrifice, he creates an exemplary result that would mean leadership by example. Seeing the result, youngsters of neighboring villages got themselves motivated and joined the training centre shows the motivation level and inspiration.

All the best

Defence Academy Coimbatore
Coaching for
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