NDA Written- MANDRA For Written Test Preparaion.

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Written Test NDA

Know the Syllabus:Paper Pattern
The examination consists of 2 Papers
1, Mathematics (300 marks) and 
2. General Ability Test (600 marks) 

[with objective type questions]

The duration for each Paper is 2½ hours. (Mock tests- Take it at Defence Academy Coimbatore)

WATCH OUT Negative marking is applicable. 

Here is what you will have to study:

Paper I- Mathematics: Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations, Vector Algebra, Statistics and Probability

Paper II - General Ability Test
Part A: English
Part B: Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Indian History, Freedom Movement in India, Civics, Geography, Current Events

The written examination is MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) styled. 
TO be answered in the given  OMR sheets.

Mathematics Section-

Be through in 10th and 11th standard portions
Previous Years papers ( Last 10 years will help you).

English Section-

This section is all about testing your English language skills. Questions related to mistake spotting, synonyms, antonyms, article writing, grammar related questions, comprehension etc.

General Knowledge section-

Covers variety of topics ranging from science to current affairs! Some of the topics are- Indian history, World History and events, Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc.
Now that we have gone through the blueprint and the various different sections of the examination, let us focus on the tips and tricks that will help you score the maximum marks.

Tips to clear the examination

#1 Solving previous years’ question papers will help much
If you are really serious about passing the written exam and scoring well in it, consider solving as many question papers that you can lay your hands upon. 

The figures in different years’ question papers may be different, but the style of the questions asked each year are the same!
Solve all the previous year papers, this is also a good way to get the necessary ‘exam practice’!

You can order the pearson Guides they have given wide coverage 
It also contains question papers from previous years and the solutions to those papers 
PREPARATION CD has 10000 odd questions
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 Learn the shortcuts, when it comes to Mathematics
The mathematics part of the exam is a bit tricky. The questions asked in it are analytical and needs to be worked upon to find the solution. As long as you don’t know the shortcut method, it will for sure take much time and efforts to find the right answer. 
Learning the shortcut methods using the guide book will help you save time. This will eventually help you attend all the questions asked in the paper.

 Time management
 Don’t waste time solving a question that you don’t have any idea about. Instead of that, move on to the next question. Always keep an eye on your wrist watch.

Negative marking
0,25 deducted for each wrong answer
This means that 4 wrong answers can get 1 mark deducted from your score! Thus, keeping this negative marking system in mind, never go for wild guesses while answering the question paper.
Leave the questions that you are not quite sure about.
Never attempt wild guessing.
Last time pass mark in maths was just 40 %

 Current Affairs forms an integral part of this examination.
The best way to do this task is by making use of Television and NEWS Papers.

If you are naturally strong in English since your school days, you won’t have much problem dealing with the English section of the examination. Otherwise, you’ll have to polish your skills.
The best way to do this is by reading. Reading English story books, novels, NEWS Papers etc will help you improve your language as well as build vocabulary at the same time. Believe me, it will also improve your grammar and writing skills to an extent.

Phy, Chem, His, Geo, Civics, 
15 to 20 Questions- each- Best way go through chapeters, make notes, and practice via the 
SKILL BUILDER CDs OF  Defence Academy Coimbatore

We have a complete set of Books and CDs Rs. 2750 only
order on line:-
We will send the best Books & CD
Taking care of the above aspects will make sure that you’ll pass the written part with flying colors!
 If necessary, you may also go for Coaching classes and programs.
 The more you practice, the better will be your speed and time management skills

All the best

cadet jai


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