Habbits of Achievers - Successful people what do they do?

TIps to succeed in life

Success comes to those who Focus on goals:
1. 80% of Successful persons were focused on accomplishing some single goal.
2. 77% of Successful people wealthy write down their goals.
3. 81% of successful people maintain a to-do list.
Read more & watch less TV
4. 86% of Successful believe in life-long educational self-improvement
5. 86% of Successful simply love to read
6. f  88% of them read 30 minutes or more each day for education or career reasons
7. 63%  listen to audio books during commute to work
8. 63%  parents make their children read 2 or more non-fiction books a month
9. Only 33%  watch more than 1 hour of TV every day
10. Only 6%  watch reality TV

Believe in making their own luck
11. 84%  believe good habits create opportunity luck
12. 76%  believe bad habits create detrimental luck

The rich eat less junk food:
13. 70%  eat less than 300 junk food calories per day.

Gamble less:

14. Only 23%   gamble.

Have diligent work habits
15. 44%  wake up 3 hours before work starts
16. 74%  teach good daily success habits to their children

Socialise more
17. 70%  volunteer 10 hours or more a month
18. 80%  make ‘Happy Birthday” calls
19. 79%  network 5 hours or more each month
.. and Exercise regularly:
20. 76%  exercise aerobically 4 days a week.

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