Why does a candidate who once got Screened in gets rejected the second time in Screening stage?

Why does a candidate who once got Screened in gets rejected the second time in Screening stage?
The answer for this question is given by our GTO

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SSB- FSB Training Academy

It is a general practice to be a little liberal to screen in the freshers more than the repeaters.

Roughly about 60% of freshers get screened in as compared to repeaters 40 % of the screened in candidates.

This is because once the fresher gets a chance to experience the full test and does not make it.
is less likely to make it again. Unless there has been a remarkable improvement in his presentation style at SCREENING TESTS.

It would be a waste of time for the assessment officers to once again see the same under/ unsatisfactory performance. Hence the weeding out is done at the first stage itself.

A few candidates are able to realise their faults and correct them and present their skills in a satisfactory manner and hence get recommended during the next appearance. 

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