SSB Aspirants must follow this Suggestion

Thanks to Eduwrite for this article
Build your Vocabulary Now
“I often feel tongue tied while trying to express what I feel about some important issue.”
If these are the exact words that echo in your mind too, then it is high time you think about building your vocabulary.
Communication plays a very important role in today’s life. There would be so many situations in day-to-day life where one needs to communicate one’s ideas and ideals with others. Therefore, saying the right thing in the right way using the right words is essential. Without a good vocabulary, self-expression becomes a daunting task wherein people spend hours together searching for the right term to state what they want to say.
Here are a few tips to improve your vocabulary.
1. Wide Reading – Reading a variety of books, articles, journals, magazines, and novels is the best way to expand and increase your vocabulary. When reading, jot down the unfamiliar words and look them up in a dictionary.
2. Learning roots and their origins – Learning the origin and meanings of the root words will help you determine the meanings of new words that you encounter and substantially build your vocabulary.
3. Using context clues – Another excellent way to improve your vocabulary is to deduce the meaning of the unfamiliar words by looking for context clues in the surrounding words.
4. Sentence framing activity – Framing sentences using the new words learned will help you remember not just the words’ meanings, but also their usage.

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