Why do people score low on the AFCAT?


We asked thousands of people why they scored lower on the AFCAT than expected.

Survey Results Indicate the Following

According to our research, these 4 things are the most common reasons people score lower on the AFCAT than they should have.
Avoid these common mistakes and you will score higher.
  • Lack of Online Practice Under Time Constraints
  • Lack of Time for Preparation
  • Insufficient Knowledge on AFCAT Subjects
  • Lack of a Plan for Success
62 Seconds
Average time allowed to answer each question.
AFCAT WINNER is a complete practice system built for this very purpose.
You can have unlimited access for less than the price of two movie tickets.
Don't be one of those people who shows up on test day feeling stressed out and unprepared.

Survey Questions & Results

When you showed up to take the AFACT, did you feel adequately prepared?

  • Yes - 16%

  • No - 84%

This is not something you can fake.
You either feel prepared or you dont.
Plan your work and work your plan.

Just before starting the AFCAT, did you feel stress, fear or anxiety about the time limits?

  • Yes - 77%
  • No -23%
The more you practice online under actual time constraints, the more comfortable you will be with the pace of the AFCAT.

As you were taking the AFCAT, did the time limits give you stress and effect your ability to think clearly?

  • Yes - 65%
  • No -18%
  • A little bit -17%
Stress will build up on you as you go if you get behind the clock. The questions are hard enough without the stress. You must get comfortable with the pace and the only way to do that is online practice under the same time constraints.

When you finished the AFCAT, did you feel like you should have done more to practice and prepare?

  • Yes - 72%
  • No -28%
Realizing you should have prepared better AFTER the AFCAT does you no good at all. These people learned the hard way. You need to learn from their mistakes. Be prepared.

Did you finish each subtest on time without having to guess as time ran out?

  • Yes - 22%
  • No -78%
The more you have to guess, the lower your score will be. There are ways to increase your chances of guessing correctly but that also takes practice. See next question.

When you did not know the correct answer, how did you choose?

  • Just guessed - 27%
  • Had a standard answer -13%
  • Eliminated wrong answers - 43%
  • Did not answer -16%
Knowing how to eliminate wrong answers in a multiple choice test is a critical skill that can only be developed with practice.

On Which AFCAT subject did you score the lowest?

  • MK- 49%
  • AR-22%
  • WK- 16%
  • PC-13%
71% of respondents scored lower on Math related subjects. AFCAT WINNER has 100 Mathematic Solved problems to refresh your Math skills.

Did you have and execute a plan for AFCAT preparation?

  • Yes - 33%
  • No -46%
  • Yes, but did not really execute -21%
Having and executing a plan is fundamental to your success with anything in life, especially the AFCAT.

How much time did you actually study and practice for the AFCAT?

  • < 5 hours - 18%
  • 5-10 hours-21%
  • 10-20 hours-47%
  • 20+ hours - 14%
A single full length test takes about 2hours.
If you study 1 hour on each subject and take 1 full length test, it would take 3 hours. Be smart about your prep time. Put in the hours and you will score higher.
Give yourself 2 hours per night for 10-14 days.

Did you purchase one of the popular study guides (like AFCAT Solved paper)?

  • Yes - 53%
  • No -47%
A Guide Book is an important part of your AFCAT preparation because it covers all 4 subjects and helps you understand what to expect on each section. AFCAT Winner has the top 4 Guide Books available for preparing one subject at a time.

No other AFCAT preparation system even comes close

  • We have over 2000 questions covering all 4 subjects
  • We tell you what you got right and what you got wrong.
  • We give you explanations on questions you got wrong.
  • We calculate your AFCAT Score.
  • We track your score history on each subtest.
  • We chart your scores and show you how you compare to other testers.
  • We have 100+ Math Solved Examples
  • We have 10+ Test paperse
  • We give you explanations on questions you got wrong.
  • We have Self Assessemtn Tests in our CD
  • We are a Social Learning Community
  • We have the top 4 Study Guides on all 4 subjects.

** Plus, incredible bonus materials as a free gift **

Described below, keep reading

I failed the AFACT twice and then found this program.
I followed the simple plan in the guide book and scored a 263 on my third try.
After lots of online practice and learning how to eliminate wrong answers, I was finally comfortable with the time limits and that made a huge difference for me.

Get 6 Months of Unlimited AFCAT Winner Online Practice plus the Incredible Bonus Materials
Only Rs. 1500 Buy Now

Why buy this when other free stuff is available?

  • Why waste your time searching for free sample questions and study materials when you could be making real progress towards your goal?
  • 26.4 seconds. That is how long you have to answer each question on General Science and maths, english and Reasoning Ability subtests.
    That is real pressure. You need to be practicing under the same pressure to build confidence. You will not get that taking free exams.
  • Our practice exams are different every time you take them. We have over 1000 questions covering all 4 subjects.
    The tests take a random selection of questions and the answers are shuffled.

I felt OK about the Math but was kind of scared about the General Science and English Comprehension.
The study guides and online practice really made a huge difference in my confidence. I was not scared at all when I took the test.
I am proud to say that I score a 199 which is considered above average.

Bonus Materials

Sign up today and you can keep these incredible bonus materials as our gift with no strings attached. These valuable practice materials are typically sold as stand alone products for more than the price of an AFCAT WINNER.
But for a limited time, we are including them at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Consider it our gift to you for trying our practice system.

Ultimate AFCAT WINNER Subject & Strategy Guide

Your AFCAT Score is critical. This document covers all 4 AFCAT subjects and teaches you how overcome the stress, fear and anxiety of taking the AFCAT. Follow the plan in this document and you will win.
  • Fool proof time management
  • How to master multiple choice test
  • How to win at word problems
  • Top 5 mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Test day preparation

Ultimate AFCAT General Science Study Guide & Practice Exam

General Science is a HUGE subject for such a short test. 25 Questions and only 11 minutes to answer them. That is 62.4 seconds per question. We have condensed it all down to a 40 page document with all the stuff you need to know for the AFCAT.

Ultimate AFCAT Downloadable Practice Exam

Want to practice offline with a paper version of the AFCAT? No problem. Here is a full length practice exam with answer key in the back.

Get 6 Months of Unlimited CAT-AFCAT Online Practice plus the Incredible Bonus Materials
Only Rs. 1500 Buy Now

To purchase online Purchase on line now


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