Sainik School Entrance Exam- class VI Intelligence Test model paper


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 1. Instructions: Out of the five choices, A,B, C, D and E, Given in each problem for are similar in one way.  However, one choice is not like the other four.  Choose the choice which is different from the rest and write the answer.
          a) Open and Close
          b) Hate and Dislike
          c) Rise and Fall
          d) Go and Come
          e) Friend and Enemy

 2. Find the odd one out
          a) 1
          b) 8
          c) 26
          d) 64
          e) 125

 3. Find the odd one out
          a) RSA1T6
          b) B2A1DA
          c) C3E5A1
          d) H8B2D4
          e) E5G7G7

 4. Find the odd one out
          a) 7
          b) 21
          c) 29
          d) 49
          e) 105

 5. Instructions : Choose the right answer
Fish is to Bird as Submarine is to____
          a) Ship
          b) Train
          c) Car
          d) Aeroplane

 6. Uncle is to Aunt as Cock is to___
          a) Fowl
          b) Hen
          c) Chicken
          d) Duck

 7. Wood is to Table as _____ is to Coat
          a) Shirt
          b) Wear
          c) Trouser
          d) Cloth

 8. Girl  is to Boy as ______ is to Nephew
          a) Uncle
          b) Niece
          c) Brother -in-law
          d) Aunt

 9. Below are given numbers/ alphabets/ figures followed by 4 answer choices marked as A, B, C and D. Choose a correct answer option, which will continue the series:-

246,  357,  468,  579........
          a) 759
          b) 680
          c) 678
          d) 459

 10. A/2,  4/C, E/6, ........
          a) 8/G
          b) 8/K
          c) 7/G
          d) G/8

 11. 1243, 2354, 3465,.............
          a) 4576
          b) 4675
          c) 4796
          d) 4367

 12. Choose the word, which will come third in the dictionary and tick the correct choice.
          a) Battalion
          b) Barrister
          c) Banana
          d) Balance
          e) Bachelor

 13. Choose the word, which will come third in the dictionary and tick the correct choice.
          a) Dear
          b) Decide
          c) Diagram
          d) Departure
          e) Dawn

 14. Choose the Fourth Letter of rearranged word and write the answer
HEPES ( An Animal)
          a) s
          b) e
          c) p
          d) h

 15. Choose the Fourth Letter of rearranged word and write the answer
NEGOAR ( Name of a fruit)
          a) N
          b) R
          c) G
          d) O
          e) A

 16. Choose the Fourth Letter of rearranged word and write the answer
ENKAL ( a Body part)
          a) A
          b) N
          c) K
          d) L
          e) E

 17. HCDNGRHAIA ( A Union Territory  of India)
          a) H
          b) C
          c) A
          d) D
          e) R

 18. If A + E = 6, what will be A x E
          a) 3
          b) 6
          c) 8
          d) 5

 19. Choose the Second Word of rearranged sentence
1) Mango, 2) this 3) a, 4) is, 5) sweet
          a) Mango
          b) this
          c) a
          d) is
          e) Sweet

 20. Choose the Second Word of rearranged sentence
1) the, 2) in, 3) is, 4) room,  5) he
          a) the
          b) in
          c) is
          d) room
          e) he

 21. If STAND is coded as  TSBME then SLEEP will be coded as
          a) MKOOS
          b) TKFDQ
          c) FKKQS
          d) RSMMB

 22. If QBSJT  stands for PARIS then MPOEPO will stand for
          a) Kanpur
          b) London
          c) New York
          d) Moscow

 23. ARE is to STARE, ARCH is to
          a) Symbol
          b) Point
          c) Mark
          d) Starch

          a) Personal
          b) Having
          c) Owner
          d) Crown

 25. Choose the correct option
B.  D.  G.  K------?
          a) P
          b) A
          c) O
          d) N


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