ssb coaching Lt. Sonu Sharma, Wins OTA Gold Medal In Passing Out Parade 2016 Hailing from a humble, rural background, Surender Sharma (a farmer in a small village of Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh), is beaming with pride as his son Sonu Sharma will pass out with a gold medal on Saturday. It was a proud moment on Friday for the parents whose sons and daughters will graduate as young army officers this year at the Officers Training Academy (OTA). Sonu explains that his achievement was possible only because of his parentsā support, besides his passion to serve the nation. āWe compromised on our clothes, food, etc to get our children educated and all the sacrifices have been worth it.ā Expressing gratitude to his parents, he said, āMy parents have always been my inspiration and I would do anything for their happiness. It was a proud moment on Friday for the parents whose sons and daughters will graduate as young army officers this year at the Officers Training Academy (OTA). Yet t...