HOW TO BECOME AN OFFICER IN INDIAN DEFENCE FORCES? Dear Aspirants, Based on my experience I am giving you a few Suggestions to become OFFICERs via various entries in the armed forces From Class VI and after Graduation FOR SAINIK- RMS- RIMC COACHING Suggestion:-1 SAINIK SCHOOL Class VI Rashtriya Military School Class VI Rashtriya Indian Military College - Dehradun- Class VIII Sainik or RMS Class IX Note:- There is a remote chance of getting admission in Rashtriya Military school in class XI after he completes his class X The Principal of military school can give admission in class XI, if has vacancy, based on the class X marks and an interview Suggestion:-2 Once the boy is in class XI ( in which ever school he may be, please prepare him for National Defence Academy- Pune) Admission after class XII Suggestion:-3 If he performs well, ie, get well over 90 % in +2, he can try for FREE B.TECH entry in Army and Navy Suggestion:-4 He can join the NCC in College do wel