Defence Jobs Vs other Civil Jobs which is better?
When is comes to choosing a career, one looks for a) Job Security b) Pay and Perks c) Working Hours d) Place e) Facilities available f) Job Satisfaction g) Other factors. h) Life style i) Your own physical condition j) Galmour for the job k) Pressure from parents and others Your decision depends on many factors yet for a person who is just out of college the biggest worry is getting a suitable job. In today's world Money and comfort has taken over. yet there are a few who take up jobs to satisfy their inner ego. Only a person with a Sense of Pride and helping attitude goes in form jobs that require a long hours of work, often it becomes a thankless job. People forget your effort and fail to recognise Yet, the inner satisfaction rules over all other matters. Money may not buy you everything. It is people who rule your heart. Would it be possible for a humanbeing to stay away from others? Even animals need comp