RIMC Entrance Exam online coaching at Defence Academy India

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview http://www.ssbcoaching.com call 094437 20076 Rashtriya Indian Military College- Dehradun- Study Kit Rashtriya Indian Military College- Dehradun- Entrance Coaching Offered We have six months entrance coaching online for aspirants Details:- On analysing the written test result we found the following:- 99 % of the boys who passed in English- Qualified the written test Majority of the boys failed in all the subjects Some passed in Maths but failed to make the grade in GK and English Hence our focus is on --- Start early- Train Hard and achieve the result Though we feel one year of training is required to make an above average candidate to come up to the level of Passing this exam, we advice the parents for the same Who are we? we are a small group of Retired defence officers who are willing to spare our time to coach those aspirants who we find trainable We follow...