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To Qualify in Sainik- RMS- RIMC- JNV user our Mathematics Skill builder Basic Online tests
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500 Numerical Aptitude questions (25 tests)
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300 Numerical Word Problem questions Previously asked in Sainik/ RMS Entrance Examination
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Here is a sample
Day -03 Basic concept base question is Numeration.
No: Questions Answer
1 Which is the greatest 5 digit number?
2 The smallest single digit number is_______________
3 The only Even Prime number is_________________
4 The whole number includes ZER0 Yes or NO
5 The natural Numbers Includes Zero , Yes or NO
6 The successor of the greatest three Digit number is_____
7 The predecessor of the least three digit number is______
8 When we multiply two even numbers , the answer will be------------------ Number ( Even / Odd)
9 When we multiply two odd numbers the answer will be ______________Number (Even /Odd)
10 A number that can be divided by 2 and 3 can be divided by ____ without leaving any reminder
11 While writing in Roman letters We can represent ZERO by adding X next to the number Yes/ No
12 Which of the Roman numerals can be repeated three times?
13 What does a Vinculum on top of roman numeral M indicates?
14 To represent 500 which English alphabet is used in Roman Numeral?
15 Can a decimal number be written in Roman numerals?
16 In Test of divisibility to know if a 4 digit number is exactly divisible by 8 we have to check if the last _____ numbers are divisible by 8.
17 A number is divisible exactly by nine if the ____________all the digits is divisible by 9
18 If we have to represent Multiplication of the same number twice we can write is at 152 (YES / NO)
19 When we say SQUARE of a number it means the same number is multiplied by itself (YES / NO)
20 Square root of a number is Half of the given number (TRUE / FALSE)
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