Formulae for Sainik - RMS- JNV

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076

Quick Test for Formulae Class V, VI, VII, VIII
1. In Roman letters there are 7 English alphabets they denote,1,5,10,50,100, 500 and 1000. . Write the English Alphabets which represent these values.
I, V, X, L, C, D & M

2. GOOGLE Stands for One followed by 100 zeros.
4. B O D M A S Stands for
5. In 654 place vale of 6 is 600 and its face value is 6
6. The successor of the greatest three digit number is________
7. The Predecessor of the greatest Four digit number is_______
8. Unitary Method: Find for one quantity from many. By division
Multiply to get total value of a few multiplied by the value of one.
9. Percentage means out of 100
10 Speed x Time = Distance, Distance/ Speed = Time, Distance / Time = Speed.
11. Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price.   Loss = CP – SP
12. % of gain or loss= gain % / CP x 100
13 % of Loss = Loss %/ CP * 100
14 Simple Interest = P x N X R  / 100
15. Area of Square= Side x side, When AREA is given to find Side ÖArea
Perimeter of a square= 4 x side
16. Area of a Rectangle = Length x Breadth
To find the Length when Area is given Area/ Breadth
To find the breadth when Area is Given Area / Length
Perimeter of a rectangle is given by 2 (l + b)
Area of 4 walls = 2h (l +b)
17. Circumference of a circle is Pix * R * R,  Area of  a circle is 2 * Pie * R
18. Volume of a Cube = Side x Side x Side
19 Volume of a cuboid= Length x Breadth x height
20 Area of a Triangle is 1/2 base x Altitude


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