mock test sainik and rms class VI Free

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English Revision test for class VI RMS and Sainik

Part - 2

In the following question choose the correct options to fill in the blanks:-
21. _____ will have to be paid for this material
a) Half Rupee                        a) Half Rupee                        c) A half Rupee     d) An half rupee
22. ___________is taking keen interest in India.
a) The USA                             b) USA                    c) An USA                              d) A USA
23. Only______ can save our country.          
a) The Hitler                          b) A Hitler                              c) Hitler                 d) An Hitler
24. I can run for____________
a) hundred miles                  b) the hundred miles          c) A hundred miles              d) An hundred miles
25. __________man-eater has been killed.
a) The                                     b) A                                         c) An                       d) Either A or B
In the following questions choose the correct options to fill in the blanks.
26. The Girl who you met is the______
a) Eldest                                 b) Elder                                  c) Older                 d) Oldest
27. The historical Place is____________
a) Seeing worth                    b) Worthy of seeing            c) Worth Seeing   d) Worthy seeing
28. These flowers smell__________
a) Sweet                                 b) Sweetly                             c) More Sweetly   d) Sweetest
29. ___________aspirant cannot pass the entrance examination.
a) Each                                   b) Every                                 c) All                       d) No
30. Prem chand______ second Shakespeare.
a) is a                                      b) is                                         c) is the                  d) is an
31. Give me ____ rice.
a) Some                  b) Few                                    c) A few d) any
32. _______sheep grazing on the slope of the hill had gone away.
a) Any                                     b) The Few                            c) This                     d) Much
33. Have you got _____ magazines to read?
a) All                                       b) Much                                 c) Some                  d) Little
34. I have _____ money that I want to spend on shares.
a) Any                                     b) Much                 c) Less                    d) Some
35. There is_________owl on the branch of the tree.
a) a                                          b) the                                     c) An                       d) Some
36. The bus with all the passengers____________lost.
a) were                                  b) was                                     c) are                                      d) would
37. You as well as I_____ responsible for this work.
a) am                                      b) are                                     c) was                                     d) is        
38. Ravan like all his companions _____a spoiled child.
a) are                                      b) were                  c) is                                         d) will be
39. Pen and ink _____ required for me.
a) have                                   b) were                  c) is                                         d) has required   
40. Every girl and every boy____ attended the seminar.
a) have                                   b) has                                     c) is                                         d) are    

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