Revision papers for RMS and Sainik Class VI- 2018 admission

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview call 094437 20076

Talent Test Class V Numerical:          10 x2= 20 marks1.   Write in Roman letter 100, 500, 1000, 55
2.   Find the product of the greatest four digit number and least three digit number.
3.   Find the LCM of 9, 18 and 30
4.   Find the average of the first 5 odd numbers starting from 3.
5.   If 3 pens cost Rs.37, what would be the cost of 10 pens?
6.   If a= 2 and B = 3, what is A * B?
7.   Find the Simple interest of Rs.1000 invested for 10 years at 10 % ( use formulae
Simple Interest= Principal x Interest x Number of Year)8.   Find the area of a square whose one side is 10 cm. ( Use formulae Side x side =___Sq Units)
9.   What is the Formula to find Area of a Rect-angle?
10.                If man purchased a cell phone for Rs.10000 and Sold it for Rs.10500, What is his gain %
 English:1.   Fill in the blanks: ( 10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
a)He is ___ Gentleman.b) ___ Ganga is ___ Sacred River of India.c) Plural of Child is__________d) The Cat was sleeping _________the table. (Use a proper noun)e) Ashoka was a________ king. (Use an adjective Staring with  S____)f) Correct the sentence “He is taller than me.”g) Use TOO and connect the Sentence: “Tea is Hot. I cannot drink.”h) Write the Feminine form of HORSE. i) Write the Past Tense of “SEE” j) What is the Singular form of Scissors? Science (10x 1 = 10 marks)a)  Name Four Main parts of a plant?
b)  What is the Purest form of Water, ( Pond, Sea, Well, Rain)
c)  Which out of the following is Carnivores?   ( Cow, Sheep, Lamb, kitten)
d)  How many legs do an insect has? ( 4, 6, 8. 2)
e)  The Three different form of water is _________, _____ and _____
f)   Who is the Defence Minister of India?
g)  How many Planets are in our solar system name them?
h)  What is the Tenure of President of India, once he is elected?
i)   When is Army day celebrated?
j)   What is the Name of the National Tree of India?
   Reasoning Ability: (10 x 1=10) 1.   Which is the odd one out?
a)   Monkey,  b) Kangaroo,  c) Bat,  d) Donkey?
2.   What comes in place of? Mark? (3, 10, 3, 100, 3,?)
3.   What comes in place of? Mark? ( Az, BY, CX, ??)
4.   January is to March, hence April is to____
5.   Pen is for writing and Book is for_______
6.   Chennai is for Tamil nadu in the same way ____ is for Karnataka.
7.   What comes next,  !@#$, @#$!, ????
8.   (&*), (*&), (&*), ????
9.   If Teacher is to School, Lecturer is to ____?
10.        In a code language ” DOG”  is Written As  “GOD”, hence NIP would be written as ____

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