Why Some Cadets Fail to qualify the various tests at the Officers' training Academy ?

Defence Academy Coimbatore A leading coaching academy for Sainik, Military and RIMC Schools, NDA, IMA, AFCAT SSB, FSB Interview http://www.ssbcoaching.com call 094437 20076

Why Some Cadets Fail to qualify the various tests at the Officers' training Academy ?  

First of all majority of the candidates qualify after two or three attempts.
Be it Drill
Physical tests
or swimming
or academics

Some of them might be failing due to medical problems.

a few - very few
Lack the fibre

Unfortunately the SSB cannot find out this 
hence a few get in . Most of these are found to be
Border line cases in SSB and where pushed in  thinking that the training can make it up.

95%  of these type will make it up in training.
05% do not make it due to Low Mental Stamina.
This cannot be found out by the Selectors.

As it is very few qualify the SSB, 
 How to tackle this

well I, feel that NCC Training should be made compulsory in colleges are at least for those who want to join it should become a Min QR. then these type will be filtered out

So folks join colleges that has NCC
or  atleast approach your college principal to allow you to take part in NCC events in those colleges which have NCC.
You can obtain spl permission for this
all the best


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