Plan to win in any competition

ssb coaching- NDA- CDSE- AFCAT Training Academy

Plan to win in any competition

What one wants to be is a tough choice. To achieve what you have set as an aim can be done only when you plan years ahead.

While studying in lower classes when some one askes what you want to be?

The child may answer what ever it comes to its mind

IAS officer

all these have been fed to the child by elders at home.

as the time passes the child starts finding his/her liking or interest and keeps changing this aim/ goal

These gets crystallised only at the age of 14/15
Now the student is matured and knows where his/ her interest lies.

a few tests taken by the aspirant can suggest the path that he /she should take.

The skill finding test allows a psychologist to predict this.

There are a number of skills that one can have
in a few the person will excel and in some moderate and some hardly any skill.

We invite you to take these tests online.

You may start with tests such as
1. Numerical ability
2. Language ability
3. Reasoning ability
4. Ligical ability
5. Analytical ability
6. Spatial ability
7. Mechanical reasoning ability
all these are part of IQ Tests.

some skills can be exhibited only by  constant / frequent practice
such as
singing, drawing, sports, swimming etc.

we at
Defence Academy Coimbatore
tests to find the skill of the child.
IQ Measurement Guides will help you.
call 094437 20076


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