Which is better ? Infantry vs Armed Corps

ssb coaching the best ssb coaching centre in Tamil Nadu

well aspirants,
many of you are going to appear for the university entry scheme and would soon be entering the OTA / IMA for training.

most of you will hane have much idea about which arm or service you should choose and serve for the rest of your youthful days.

This article will give you some insight into which is better?


                     It is the queen of the battle field. Complete attention is given to this particular part of the army.
It is this arm that finally establishes the vitory- Hoists the flag at the place captured.
Tough- daring- leading from the front- the final part is fought and the victory is annouced to the world by these dare devils.

Quick promotions

but life is more in the fileds rather in urban areas.

Hills become part of life of a soldier. He is most of the time alone and is with the troops. The highlight is only when you qualify in staff college and get posted to staff appointments. when lucky the battalion moves into peace area and that too for a short while.

                              The Royal forces,  moves around in Costly equipments, In plain area these tanks move a head of Infantry and makes a way for the foot soldiers to move on.
Mostly serve in peace area. Better social life than their infantry counter parts.

But very less vacancy as compared to Infantry.

Only the Best amongest you will be commanding the units.

So all the best, choose wisely

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