When is the Right Time to start Preparing for NDA? Class VIII

When is the Right Time to start Preparing for NDA?

This was the question asked by a student in a local school, when I had gone for Prize distribution. 
Right time is 10 years.
The candidates starts dreaming and then fixes his/ her aim.
This has to be funnelled and kept alive. 
Parents should keep this fire alive by giving the child an opportunity to pursue this aim

Dr. N. Lakshman Natarajan​ , a Clinical Psychologist, proved this point to me. He, told me in the year 2007. I did not believe him. He
took up a challenge. 

This is the Story of Sri Hari- a boy who had studied in a not- so famous school just a few hundred metres from his house.

The boy was taken to Sainik School for a Visit on Old boys get together event.

That was 2006 June, the young boy got him self photographed with the Principal who was in Naval Uniform.

This he kept it in his book. ( I did not know it then )
Later came up to me to ask for guidance to join the sainik school.

I gave a small test, and told his father , SORRY, the boy WILL not make it in the Written Test.

two years rolled. I for got about it.
2008 the boy came back once again and asked me train him for Rashtriya Indian Military Collge-
Just One seat for a State.
I gave a half hearted try.
His  friend Cadet Mujeeb Got through and  Joine the RIMC. while Sri Hari, could not make it.
I told him it may not be your cup of tea.
His father, kept on motivating this boy, if not Sainik VI, then RIMC, 
If not RIMC then Sainik IX.
Now once again the boy was pestering me to train him for Sainik.class IX.

The boy on his own stopped going to school ( his local School)
and told me that he has made up his mind to join SAINIK if not in Tamil nadu, it could be any where.

The Transformation had started. Age 13.5 years

He broke my belief that he cannot make it.

He stood first in the Sainik School Entrance and got into Class IX
at Sainik School Bijapur.

I told him, well try and become a School captain, if not a house captain.

He said he would prove it.
I did not believe him as he is from Tamil nadu and could not speak a word of Kannada
he took HINDI and Sanskrit as his second and third language of which he did not know a letter.

He  become a House captain.
selected as best Orator
selected to represent the school for Mountaineering.
Selected as Second best Science exhibitor
Turned out as Best Boxer.
Was selected to Escort President during the school visit. Horse Pilot.
Commanded the Parade in passing out School.

I now started believing Dr. N.Lakshmanan. This parent was asked to collect the TC by the School authorities for not attending the School for three months.

To day, his name figures in the school Honour board
Best Cadet of the Year 2015.

He will be Joining the National Defence Academy in June
I will personally give a send off.
Thank you Dr. Laskmanan. I shall blog this. to day I am keeping my words

Success  comes with determination.



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