Excel in School- How to perform well in Competitve exams?

Steps to Prepare For Sainik -RMS Class VI Entrance Examination

Here we are giving you the time tested preparation tips to make sure your son gains admission in the All India SAINIK SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION STEP 1: KNOW THE MENTAL STRENGTH OF YOUR CHILD
Administer him / her the standard Intelligence Test
What it is all about?
It helps the psychologist to know the mental age of the child and his ability to grasp the subjects to be taught

STEP 2: Know the specific Skill of the child
This is again done a clinical psycologist- A number of tests are administered to find the specic skill in which the child can / will be able to excel is seen as early as 8 years
Must test the following:- (Not below the class IV level)

  1. Numerical Ability
  2. English Language Ability
  3. Reasoning Ability
  4. Non verbal and verbal intelligence
  5. General Knowledge
  6. Spatial Ablity
Note: Generally children are gifted with one or the other ability which we often fail to notice and encourage the child to build that skill.
For example:-

  • Singing
  • Drawing
  • Sports
  • Oratation
  • Dancing
  • Music, etc
    The above skills are exhibited by the child, most of the time due to our ignorance or non observation we fail to notice and encourage the child to develop it. This may lead to a great loss later in the development of the child's skill So observe and take care to provide him or her the right opportunity to develop the hidden skill
    Patience is very important in enhancement of these skills, it does take time to excell in these. Remember in this vast world we have opportunity in every field


    To learn more about your child's talent and to improve his hidden skill and also to learn if your child can fulfill your dream get the child tested by a clinical psychologist.
    It is always wrong to compare your child with that of the neighbour, since all the five fingers are not the same but all are required for a homogenius work, we require a lot of skills.

    Now having assertained the above and finding your child to be normal, start providing him with the coaching to reach the goal that you have set for him or her.
    The age for such learning is from class II to Class X, there after a self learning stage begins, where the child is able to focus and let you know in which field he or she is more interested in rather than in the field that you are interested. In order to develop an interest ample opportunity is need to be provided at the formative stage. This is done by allowing the child to participate in as many competitions as possible.
    An overall development is then achieved. Do not worry too much, as the age goes the child gets adopted and will excell, at the same time please do not imagine that with out guidance and supervision the child will be able to develop of its one. The corrections and limitation is your responsiblity.
    The child becomes argumentative and some times irritable because of the enviornmental and social media. This has to be handled carefully.
    Letting the child know exactly what you can do, what you can / or cannot afford will make your task easier, this is the stage which one can call it as adolasence age 13 to 19 years

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