Model revision paper- Sainik Class VI

All India Sainik School Entrance Examination Revision Test Dec 2014
Five marks each 20 x 5 = 100
1.      What will be the Simple Interest on Rs. 462.50 for 3 ½ Years at the rate of 4 % per annum?
2.      On selling an article for Rs. 75. Akil loses 6 ¼ %, then find the cost price of the article.
3.      Which is the least 6 digit number that is exactly divisible by 83?
4.      A, B and C have a total of Rs. 1771. The ratio of the money between A and B is 5 : 7, If C has Rs. 571, calculate A and B’s share.  ( sainik 2008)
5.      A boy spends 1/3 of his money in a shop, then he goes to another shop and spends ½ of that was left. He is left with Rs. 15.  Find out how much total money did he have?( Sainik 2008)

Step 1.
Given: P= Rs. 462.50, T= 3.5 Years, R = 4 %
Step 2.
To find: Simple Interest
Step 3.
Formula: Simple Interest = ( PxNxR) / 100
Step 4.
Working: substitute the values in the formula

 This can be written as  ( as we are removing the Decimals in the numerator  we have to multiply the same in the Denominator)

Q.No 2
Step 1.
Given Selling Price; Rs. 75, Loss = 6.25%
Step 2.
To find the Cost Price.
Step 3.
Formula to be used= ( Loss X 100)/ Cost price
Let us take cost price as Rs. 100 loss = 6.25,
Hence selling Price= Rs. 100 -6.25 = Rs.93.75
Ie. For 93.75---------- CP = Rs. 100]
 For   75.00-----------Cp = X
( By cross multiplying we get)

Step 1
Given the greatest 6 digit no: is 999999, to be divided by 83
Step 2
To Find the exact 6 digit number that is just below 999999 which is exactly divisible
Step 3
Formula: This can be done by dividing 999999 by 83, and subtract the remainder from 999999
Step 4
Working:- 999999 Divided by 83  Gives Quotient as 12048 and  Remainder as  15
999999- 15 – 999984 is the greatest Six digit number that can be divided by 83 without any remainder

Q. 4:  A  Rs. 500 and B Rs. 700
Q.5 Rs. 45 

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