How to Prepare for SSB Interview- Personal Interview Session?

Personal interview is very important part in the SSB Series.
Within 30 to 45 minutes, your destiny is being judged by a well experienced Interviewing Expert.

If you fail to plan
be sure
you have Planned to FAIL.

Facing a Rejection at Any interview is embarrassing 
especially so in
Services Selection Board Interview

If front of a gathering you are being told that they did not find you Fit to become an officer in the armed forces.

 I am sure no one likes to be told your are not Recommended 

Let us start with knowing our own self.

What is the meaning of your Name?
Who was the person who chose your name?
Can you tell three persons ( well known Personalities) who share your name?
This detail can be found out from Internet. go ahead and do some research.

You must know whom you like more Mother, father, why?
Do not say I like both, infact when you give a grade , one gets more point in some aspect and the other gets more point in some other qualities.

How do you interact with your sister, brother?

Friends, what all do you share?

What all do you when you have long holidays?
I shall talk  more about it  in my next blog

Keep a diary and note down all these points.
All the best




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