Is it possible to learn and Practice for SSB On line or Reading a Book?

Is it possible to learn and Practice for SSB 

On line or Reading a Book?

The answer to this question is simple. 
Can you learn to swim by reading a book or on line coaching?


One needs to practice, and practicing Group Discussion of Group Planning or Group Tasks is almost impossible with out a group to carry out practice.

Remember you are going to handle men and not machines.

In a group discussion or Group Activities, a number of  factors come into play
Your body language.
Your tone
Your voice
Your like and dislike
Your peers may criticize you  or support you this will have a great influence on your performance.

Hence it is my suggestion that you must improve these aspects by attending a  training with like minded group.

we at Defence Academy Coimbatore offer

Services Selection Board Interview Training for
. Screening tests
. Stage- II Tests

Three officers are here to teach you the correct Technique to Present your skills at the time of SSB./ PSB/ FSB

call 094437 20076

Duration : 12 Days

Fee: with food and accm is Rs. 10 K


Defence Academy Coimbatore

A-11, VOC Nagar

Near SS Hospital

Ganapathy Ma Nagar



Tamil nadu

cell 094437 20076


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