Sainik - RMS Entrance Exam Evaluation Quiz compiled by Class VI Entrance 1. Maths: 3 thousands has_______ hundreds a) 3 b) 13 c) 30 d) 3000 2. What is 1,000 + 200 + 60 + 3 + 0.5 a) 12635 b) 126305 c) 1263. 05 d) 1263. 5 3. Is 55 + 1 even or odd? a) even b) odd 4. Is 155 -22 = ____ the answer is even or odd? a) Even b) odd c) None of the above 5. Which of these figures is a RHOMBUS? ...
Showing posts from August, 2014
How to face the SSB ? How To Prepare to Succeed?
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How to face the SSB ? The preparation for Joining the forces starts during your teenage. This a decision that you alone take and other can influence you to firm in on the decision. Once you are in Class X, it is the right time to go ahead with this career planning Depending on your Academic Strength you can try for National Defence Academy or Join the forces as a Soldier/ Sailor / Airman Step 1: Collect the relevant information about the forces Get the study material Talk to those who have served in the forces Browse the Internet to Know the latest procedure Slow but firm preparation is required Get your physical fitness checked up Academics Now a days almost all forces conducts some form of written exam or at least school / college marks/ NCC grading. It is needless to say prepare well and be the best Get hold of the syllabus Model test papers Prepare after making a time table I feel it would b...
209th and 210th Candidate Recommended at the SSB Interviews
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209th and 210th Candidate Recommended at the SSB Interviews Defence Academy Coimbatore congratulates Cadet Swaroop Gupta ( + 2 Army Tech Entry) and Cadet Narendra Prasad ( +2 Tech Entry Army) They were trained by us and now have made it at SSB Bangalore These candidates appeared for SSB after +2. It was their first attempt. soon they would be joining Officer Training Academy Gaya for further trg. For SSB Coaching contact 094437 20076 for 10 days we charge with food and accm Rs. 10,000 only
Becoming An Officer in the Army- Service Entry
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One of the ways of getting commission in the Defence forces is through ranks. you can join as a soldier, sailor , airman or Navik (Coast Guard), Constable. Here you join as early as 18 years, with in two years you will get an opportunity to apply for commission in the forces, ( provided you fulfill certain conditions, like educational qualification, service limit) There are a fixed number of vacancies allotted to this category of aspirants. Once in a period of six months you can try for this commission. I know of a cadet you joined NDA after he became a Sailor, he was the only person in the entire NDA was drawing salary every month. while others were getting money order from home. Hence the double benefit is that your service in the rank would be counted towards your pension you fight with people of your caliber. Getting selected at the SSB is more . example You become a solider and on serving for two years, + 2 qualification You are permitted to sit for the ...
Mock Interview- the candidate got into a trap by telling a lie- see how he gets caught?
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COUNSELLING SESSION OF AN ASPIRANT Name of the candidate: Raghu ( Name changed) Qualification: ( B.E ) 2 papers still left Age running 22 (years) Aspires to be a Pilot in the Indian Air force Family back Ground: Father Retd Navy Personal Mother----- Working as a teacher in a local school Younger brother studying in Class XI May I come in sir. Please do come in. How do you do Mr. Raghu? I am fine, thank you sir. ( The best answer should be HOW DO YOU DO SIR? ) please have a seat. The candidate sits down What was your father's rank in the Navy? I do not know sir, How long was his in the Navy, 18 years, I think sir, where all did you study? Sainik school sir, In which standard did you join the sainik school, 1st standard sir, First Standard , I am sure the sainik schools offer admission only from class VI, No, sir, I think it is KV., they used to call it as sainik school in the naval base. Which naval base, I am sorry si...
RIMC Entrance Exam December 2014
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The Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) is an Inter-Services Institution and a Category 'A' establishment of the Ministry of Defence. The College was established in 1922 with the primary aim of preparing the boys for entry into Defence Services and to provide quality all round education to young boys Applications are invited from boys for admission to the Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun (UK) for Jul 2015 Term which will be conducted at selected centres on 01(Mon) and 02 (Tue) Dec 2014. For Entrance coaching visit: For more details visit: or ...
How to Write a Story in the Screening Test
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SCREENING TEST IN THE SSB INTERVIEW This is known as mini ssb Verbal and Non verbal IQ Tests Picture Perception Test (Writing a story on the picture shown) Group Discussion ( About the Story written) IQ tests 40 + 40 questions 20 + 20 mins (max) Break candidates assembled and Shown a Hazy picture and asked to write about Characters seen in the picture Their Sex ( Male / Female) Their Age Their Moon ( +ve, - Ve, or Neutral) You get 1 minute to write in the answer sheet 3 1/2 minutes given again to write the story ( Your perception about the picture) Suggestions: Observe the picture carefully Imagine a Problem/ AIM Solve or achieve by showing ways and means, resources used, ...
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25th UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCHEME (25 UES) COURSE (STARTING IN JULY 2016 ) DEFENCE ACADEMY COIMBATORE OFFERS COACHING FOR ASPIRANTS AT A-11, VOC NAGAR NEAR SS HOSPITAL GANAPATHY MA NAGAR COIMBATORE- 641006 CALL 094437 20076 WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM Pre- Final Engineering students are eligible Only male This is a Permanent Commission offered by INDIAN ARMY See: the employment news issue of 23 Aug 2014. online application will opened on 25 Aug 2014 at 1000 hours and close on 25 Sep 2014 at 1700 hours Three officers at Defence Academy Coimbatore would be coaching you. Colonel Murali-- IO Colonel Jayavel--GTO Major Ashok -----Pyschologist call 094437 20076 One day work shop on SUNDAY ( All Sundays) 9.30 am to 13.30 Rs. 1000 fee you will be taught about screening tests FOR UES entry How to crack it Notes, Tea and Sna...
Model AFCAT paper - 2014
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AFCAT REVISION TEST MATHS Profit and Loss 1. Alfred buys an old scooter for Rs. 4700 and spends Rs. 800 on its repairs. If he sells the scooter for Rs. 5800, his gain percent is: 2. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is: 3. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent. 4. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit? 5. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%? 6. The percentage profit earned by selling an articl...